Test Plugin | El Guacal

Test Plugin

[cq_vc_hotspot image=»189″ position=»27.281368821292773%|50.09505703422054%,» iconbackground=»rgba(0,0,0,0.2)» circlecolor=»#ffffff» arrowposition=»left,top-right,» tooltipanimation=»slide»]

Rosewood Melange


[/cq_vc_hotspot][cq_vc_hotspot image=»205″ circlecolor=»#ffffff»][hotspotitem]
You have to wrap each tooltip block in hotspotitem.
Hello tooltip 2, you can customize the icon color, link, arrow position, tooltip content etc in the backend.
Hello tooltip 3
You can customize the icon position in the frontend editor of Visual Composer.
Visit my profile for more works.

[cq_vc_hotspot image=»204″ position=»18.72822299651568%|21.71171171171171%,55.38170731707317%|65.22522522522523%,» circlecolor=»#ffffff»]

Tree Table 2017

Furniture Special 2017



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